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Jordan Olympic 6 and bleeding or ulcers

已有 1152 次阅读2012-7-17 10:02

honey and acid reflux

honey is one natural folk remedy for the symptoms associated with acid reflux, say jordan rubin and joseph brasco in their book, "the great physician's rx for heartburn and acid reflux." acid reflux symptoms appear when the lower esophageal sphincter opens or fails to close properly and stomach contents rise into the esophagus along with digestive juices, or acids. occasional acid reflux is common, and persistent reflux that happens more than twice weekly is classified as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or gerd.

significancewhen refluxed stomach acid comes into contact with the lining of the esophagus, it can cause an uncomfortable burning sensation in your chest or throat, according to the national digestive diseases information clearinghouse, or nddic. untreated, chronic gerd can lead to complications, including an inflamed esophagus due to refluxed stomach acid, damage to the lining of the esophagus, and bleeding or ulcers, or esophagitis. people use lifestyle changes,jordan 6 olympic 2012, such as eating less food, medications and folk remedies to treat acid reflux.

theories/speculationthere are no studies that support honey for use in acid reflux. however, it's easy to see how the theory behind using honey for these conditions is derived. honey has significant antibacterial activity against pathogens that are commonly implicated in gastric and skin ulcers. honey also reduces healing time and limits infections in the healing of burns, according to australia's office of complementary medicines. however, the chemical composition of honey varies,jordan olympic 6, depending on season, plant source and production methods.

potentialhoney helps one gerd symptom---a chronic cough. in fact, honey is an effective cough suppressant that can be just as effective as the over-the-counter medicine dextromethorphan, according to the mayo clinic. gerd can lead to a chronic dry cough, notes the national institutes of health. in fact, you may suffer gerd without heartburn. instead, your symptoms could include the cough,air jordan 6 olympic 2012, trouble swallowing or asthma symptoms, according to the nddic. if nothing else, honey may help your throat feel better. the experts at the mayo clinic note that drinking warm lemon water mixed with honey is a time-honored sore-throat soother.






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