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Jordan Olympic 6 insert grade

已有 807 次阅读2012-7-9 15:12

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ok. no offense to men, but ya'll suck. i know that every girl says this in her life because some boy has scorned them ( hell hath no fury.), but seriously. when letting us down, don't be such huge jerks. the reason i'm sayin this is because i started summer band the other day. guess who's drum major( student that leads the band). jordan. the guy i used to ( and i hate to admit, still) like. he hurt me big time in june. i was talking to a friend of his trying to get some advice on what to say to him so i could get to know him and be there for him and all this other stuff. i asked him what he was doing on his last night as a ( insert grade). he said nothing and i replied(this was all over a series of texts) 'me too, sad huh?'. apparently, e mistoke me for asking him out and, since i had turned my phone off, didn't get his reply text til the last monday of the school year. it read as follows 'let me set something straight. i have no desire to date you and trying to gauge your chances through my friends is not the way to gain affection'. that was totally rude and uncalled for and he knows it. i liked him for 2 years and this is what i get. rudeness, anger, pain. i tried to help him, get to know him, but no. this might not sound so bad to some of you, but it stung like hell to me. i resolved to get over him and i kind of have. i met someone i really liked over the summer and. i never got his number. and i'll probably never see him again. but, he did help me get over jordan, which is the main thing. even though i'm not completly over him just yet. and he's still a boy. he needs to become a man. but that is a change that i'm not sure that he can make that leap. but, isn't that what time is all about?

all the bestposted by elihmraya on 8/11/2008 2:41:09 pm |i may not have as much experience in this field as a lot of poeople, but i know one thing: no one ever gets over something like this on their own. years from now, married with two kids and a carreer you'll still have the pain and the memories if you don't let go entirely. and the only way to let go entirely is to bring it to him. tell him there were stupid misunderstandings,jordan olympic 6, that he hurt you greatly, and whatever else. that's what needs to happen to let go. but to really heal you need to forgive him. something unpleasantly similar in a way or two happened to me once. it hurt for months--sure, i put it away from me emotionally and moved on. but the pain was still there and communication wasn't. yes, this guy doesn't deserve your time. but this jerk will always have a part of you he doesn't deserve if you don't close the book on this. if nothing else,air jordan 6 olympic 2012, just write the letter or e-mail or note to say what you have to say. do what you can to get it to him,jordan 6 olympic 2012, and then your part is done. you can move on with your life, free of a poison left by one complete loser. you'll be a happy, healthy girl who can always use this experience in a book. he was the popular jock and i was the quiet nerd. i liked him so much and i could have done him so much better than the cheerleaders that he dated. but nowadays its all about the apperance of a relationship instead of what its based upon. all our relationships need is just a solid foundation. i hope you find someone that loves and respect your heart.






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